Bertimbang Taruh
Mixed-media installation, sculpture, performance
Half and Another Half: wood, mining sieve, screen, video animation (120 x 80 x 15 CM)
The Epiderm: linen, LED light, movement sensor (110 x 100 CM)
Distill: teak wood and different kind of steels (180 x 190 x 10 CM)
Structure No. 1: installation and performance, transparent silk, acrylic paint, scratched brass, sound, light programming (variable dimensions)
White: carbon papers, charcoal (200 x 720 CM)
Exhibition:'Bertimbang Taruh'- presented at Cemeti Art House,2014 Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Exhibition text written by Tarlen Handayani. Image courtesy of the artist and Cemeti Art House
Bertimbang Taruh
(X, Y)
Alter Numbers
Chapter 0
Other Works
Journal #3
Licking Thread, Hearing Everything
Marble Table River
Chapter 6: Marni
Private Numbers
Hot Wave
The Lounge
New Sun (matter of knowing)
Something Other than A Thing